Saturday, April 30 • 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Grub Street Poetry Generator

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Join Ben Berman as he leads festival attendees in innovative, fun, and stimulating poetry exercises. These unique exercises have been used in Grub Street’s multiweek poetry courses, and generated numerous published poems. The goal is to complete 2-4 exercises in an hour, leaving time for attendees to share their work aloud if they wish. You will receive supportive feedback, and suggestions for how to make the poems better, helping writers with common mistakes. Any critique will be given in a gentle and encouraging way. Even if you are not a published or practicing poet, this session will inspire you to want to create poems of your own.

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Ben Berman

Ben Berman is the author of three books of poems and the new collection of essays, Writing While Parenting. He has won the Peace Corps Award for the Best Book of Poetry, has twice been shortlisted twice for the Massachusetts Book Awards and has received awards from the Massachusetts... Read More →

Saturday April 30, 2016 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Charter School 4 Museum Place Mall, 2nd Fl, Salem, MA 01970